Creating a Telegram bot using node.js (part II). Deploying in Railway


3 min


As you could read earlier, it is easy to create our own Telegram bot. Now we will see how to deploy it in

At the time of finishing the previous article, the bot was running on our PC or laptop, what we intend now is to use some online service to not depend on our internet connection nor on our equipment.


  • Create an account in there we will host our bot. It is highly recommended that you use a Github repository for the code, that way with each commit your bot will be updated automatically.

There is a lot of information on the Internet about creating a Github repository and it is really easy to do.

From this point on we assume that we have the code of our bot in github, in my case the repo is

Login to

Login to

We can use any email address for our account, although I preferred to use the github integration.

New project

Button to add a new project

When accessing our control panel, at the top right we have a New Project button that will allow us to create a new project: in this case, our bot.


In the following options (image above) we select Deploy from repo and answer the questions we will be asked, ensuring that the application has access to our repo (if it doesn’t already). Once this step is finished, our bot is almost ready.

Environment variables

We just need to introduce our TG_TOKEN variable, for which we select Variables on the left, then we add TG_TOKEN and its value, and finally we click on the Add button, as shown in the following image:

enviroment variables

All done

If everything went well, when we go to the Deployments tab, a green circle indicates that everything was successful. We already have our bot operational.


At this point, our bot is ready, but it is very simple and has limited functionality. But that doesn’t matter, because every time you add/modify commands and update the github repository, the changes will be applied automatically without you having to do anything. You will also be notified by mail in case of failures.

To see what else you can do with Telebot, I recommend looking at the examples. You can also check out my bot for everything.

Railway offers much more than what we’ve seen so far, so I recommend checking out their documentation.
